Heather Huhman

Lindsey Pollak is a “next generation career expert.” Her blog benefits all career professionals, especially recent graduates.Heather Huhman’s blog is helpful for all job seekers, but particularly those looking into internships.If you are a job seeker looking for a career change, this would be the blog to visit.This blogs allows you to read up on career advice articles and utilize SimplyHired.com’s job search engine.You can also check out our team’s blog at blog.resunate.com, for career and resume advice to job seekers.

Careerbright Blog

Covers articles on job search, social media trends, personal branding, developing and improving your online presence, interviewing, career management, decision making, marketing plan, networking and more. Hannah Morgan, aka, Career Sherpa, a nationally recognized author and speaker and job search strategist helps people understand what actions they need to take to find a job faster.

Heather Huhman

Covers articles on job search, social media trends, personal branding, developing and improving your online presence, interviewing, career management, decision making, marketing plan, networking and more. Hannah Morgan, aka, Career Sherpa, a nationally recognized author and speaker and job search strategist helps people understand what actions they need to take to find a job faster.

How To Create File In Linux

if you want to create a file in linux through the cat command 

then you can type the command 
cat > filename 
then type the contain 
then press ctrl + z buttom